
Course Availability – Student Cannot See a Course – Misericordia University

LMS Platform   What LMS platform is being used? Blackboard Learn Version Release 3900.13.0-rel.36+ee2113e Note: We are using Ultra base navigation, but the vast majority of...

How do a student submit an assignment in Blackboard?

When you finish your assignment, you must select Submit. If you do not, your instructor will not receive your completed assignment. If your instructor has...

How do I add a grade center column?

To add a grade center column, follow these steps: Select “Full Grade Center” in “Grade Center” area of the Control Panel. Click “Create Column“. Enter the “Column name“,...

How do I add a new thread?

To create a new thread, follow these steps: Click “Discussions” in the “Course Menu” area or locate the forum link in a content area. Open a...

How do I add an announcement?

To add a new announcement, follow these steps: Click “Announcements” in Content Areas of the “Control Panel“. Click “Edit Mode” to turn editing on (if it is...

How do I create a forum?

To create a forum, follow these steps: Click on the “Discussions” menu button (on the course menu). Click on the “Create Forum” button at the top...

How do I create an announcement?

To create an announcement, follow these steps: Click on the “Create Announcement” button at the top of the Announcement page. Fill out all required fields. Click...

How do I create an assignment?

To create an assignment, follow the steps below. Login to Blackboard then click the course name under “My Courses“, where you want to add the...

How do I edit an assignment?

To edit an assignment follow the below steps: Click on the “Assignments” menu button (on the course menu). Locate the assignment you wish to edit....

How do I post a new message in the discussion board?

To create a new message, follow these steps: Upon accessing your course, click on the “Discussion Board” menu item. Click into the desired discussion forum...

How do I respond to discussion postings?

To respond to discussion postings, follow these steps: Click “Discussion Board” on the “Course menu” or from the “Communication Center“. Click on a forum link to open...

How do I view my grade for an assessment?

To view your grade for a specific assessment, follow these steps: Click My Grades on the Course menu. Click the grade of the assessment you want to view....

How do I weight the items in the grade center?

To weight items in the grade center, follow these steps: Under the “Control Panel“, expand “Grade Center “and click into “Full Grade Center“. Two default columns in every...

How to Copy a Course – Blackboard

How to Copy a Course In the course shell of the course, you wish to copy, go to Course Management>Control Panel>Packages and Utilities. Select “Course Copy.”...

How do I delete threads?

To delete threads follow the below steps: Click on the “Discussion Board” menu button (on the course menu). Click on the desired discussion board. Place...

How do I view my grades?

There are two main ways to view your grades once they have been published by your Instructor: Method 1: Login to Blackboard and click the...

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