
How do I weight the items in the grade center?

To weight items in the grade center, follow these steps:

  1. Under the “Control Panel“, expand “Grade Center “and click into “Full Grade Center“.
  2. Two default columns in every grade center are “Weighted Total” and “Total.” You will be working with the “weighted total” column.
  3. Using the options menu for the column (the little down arrow to the right of the column name), choose “edit column information.”
  4. Enter a “Description” (optional)
  5. Choose the “Primary” and “Secondary” display type. Secondary displays only to instructor.
  6. Click on a “Column Name“, or a “Category“, and press the “Right Arrow” button.
  7. At the top left, beside the “Orange Asterisk“, enter the weighted value for that item.
  8. Continue to add items until the weight at the bottom displays 100%.
  9. Choose if the column will be a “Running Total“, which means only items taken by the student will be included in their grade.
  10. When satisfied, press the “Submit” button.
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