
Network – Connecting to Misericordia University On Campus Network

Who can connect to the wireless network?

All current employees and students can login to the wireless network.

Provide the instructions to connect to the wireless network for each user type.


  • (Faculty and Staff) will connect to the MU-Cougars network.


  • Students will need to register their device BEFORE accessing the University network.
  • Students will connect to the MU-Cougars network on their phones, tablets, and computers after their device is registered.
  • Instructions for how to register devices is located on myMU under the Student Life tab, on the left side select Information Technology and open the I.T. Setup Info document.

How do I login to a campus lab/computer?

Classroom computers do not have a login. If you are prompted for a username in any classroom that is NOT Insalaco 216/217/218/219, use your myMU username and password. Otherwise, just select Sign In.

Employees: if your computer is connected to the Misericordia domain, then you will login using your myMU username and password. “If you change your password for myMU, you will need to update your password on every device that has myMU email and wi-fi setup on them”.

Residents living on campus:

All students will need to register their devices before gaining access to the Misericordia University networks. If you are a resident and live on campus, please do the following: If you have any issues connecting, once the device has been registered, first check your My Devices Portal to see if the device is still listed. Do NOT try connecting to the other networks, this will not work at all, and it will cause issues.

If you are still having issues, please email, and answer the following questions:

  • What type of device(s) is having the issue?
  • What is the MAC Address(es) of the device(s) (specify if it’s wired or wireless and which device belongs to the MAC Address)
  • Where exactly did the issue occur (building and room number)?
  • What time did the issue start?
  • What specific issue are you having?
  • Which resident hall and room number do you reside in?
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